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Parking Homepage

Parking and Commuter Services



Click here for instructions on how to apply for the pass


The goal of Caltech's Rideshare Program is to reduce the total number of vehicle trips made to campus by Caltech faculty, staff and students. This goal serves the California clean-air effort and reduces congestion on campus and the surrounding community.

Parking and Commuter Services offers a range of programs and services to Caltech faculty, staff, and students. Below are the benefits and incentives available to commuters effective January 1st, 2023. For a comparison of the current vs upcoming incentives, please see the incentive comparison table.

Parking and Commuter FAQs


  • 50% discount on parking permit
  • 4 days of free parking per carpool passenger
  • Preferred parking spot on campus


  • $100 monthly subsidy per person
  • 6 days of free parking per month per vanpooler
  • Access to Caltech's gas station and bulk pricing discount
  • Preferred parking spot on campus

Public Transit

  • Free Metro Pass
  • $100 monthly subsidy toward Metrolink pass
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  • 4 free days of parking per month


  • 4 days of free parking per month per registered cyclist


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Guaranteed Ride Home

  • Anyone enrolled in the above programs is eligible for one free taxi ride per quarter from Caltech to their home.
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